I did sectionals again today, but they went much quicker than last time since the students are more comfortable with their parts. We were able to combine all the parts earlier than I had expected. After practicing a few times in the hall, we were able to move to the gym, which is where the performance with take place on Tuesday. It was a little bit chaotic trying to get 30 students with drums and recorders to focus and get organized. This is one of the many reasons I am so grateful that I get to work with Mrs. Pruyt. She has amazing classroom management skills, and was able to get their attention and create order very quickly. We ran through both of our songs with a couple accompanying speaking parts. Mrs. Pruyt directed "Give to Me Your Hand", since I was playing the piano. It sounded amazing! I am so impressed with how these kids' singing has improved. They sang so well in-tune and kept the 4-part round perfectly! This really shows me the effect that doing music weekly has had on these kids. I remember at the beginning of the year how difficult it was for them to keep pitch, and now they were singing in-tune and in harmony. I am so proud of them!
We also rehearsed the Branle Simple, which is our Renaissance dance. It is pretty complicated with all the parts, and I have been worried about it. I was very grateful today, though, to see that it is coming together. By the end, the class was able to make it through without too much trouble. I think they will do well on Thursday.
The highlight of my visit today was after class when one of the girls in my class said something really sweet to me. She thanked me for coming and doing music in their class, and that she thinks I will be a good teacher. Her words melted my heart. I have been so concerned about putting together this performance, and her gratitude and kindness meant the world to me.
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